
  • Callum Charman

    Callum is not only good at making fires and cooking on the fire at the Fire Pit but also makes a mean cup of tea in the Kelly Kettle. He is a chef by trade and enjoys cooking but also loves nature activities. He helps with the garden at Boot Up! and goes on country […]

  • Gabe Osmond

      Gabe works at Boot Up on various projects around the site and is currently working on the new Boot Up Barn, our new indoor workshop facility. Gabe is a great friend to all and can turn his hand to all sorts of wonderful things. Gabe has been accompanying one of our young people to […]

  • Bracken and Rosie

    Bracken is a border terrier and is the cuddliest member of our team! Bracken bites holes in watering cans which makes watering rather challenging! Rosie is a border terrier and loves the freedom of Boot Up, chasing rabbits and digging holes. She is also partial to everyone else’s dinner so watch out!

  • Helena Haran

    Helena Haran

    Ceramicist and designer Helena is a lover of life and all that nature has to offer. You could find her wandering Cornwall’s coast paths, planting vegetables, cooking and eating her home grown produce or swimming in the sea.  A graduate of Sustainable Product Design and co-owner of Studio Haran she also knows a thing or […]

  • Joel Haran

    Craftsman & designer Joel is one of out visiting artists, being a designer and craftsman specialising in woodwork. He runs a business, Studio Haran with his wife Helena designing and making furniture. His role at Boot Up is to come over occasionally to run workshops in the art of wood craft, using traditional tools and […]

  • Welcome Back!

      Welcome back to our blog Since our last entry in 2013, Boot Up! Outdoor Learning has gone through some major changes but despite all that we are STILL HERE!!!! In 2014 Falmouth University ceased funding the Boot Up! Project and the transfer was made setting up a Social Enterprise and Boot Up! Outdoor Learning […]

  • Boot Up: Free The Trees!

    A brilliant project at Boot Up, created by one of Falmouth University’s Creative Event Management students, is ‘Boot Up: Free The Trees!’ The project was  designed to recruit a number of volunteers to help maintain the Boot Up garden and reclaim areas of land that have been taken over by brambles. Only half way through […]

  • The stuff WE did in 2012

    Easter Fun  The unusual weather of a heatwave and drought has made the end of the Winter term into lots of fun. Our Easter activities all took place outdoors. Kim made a wonderful cake and we decorated eggs and played team games which was great fun.  and of course, there was the Easter bunny nest and […]

  • Active Allotments

    Yes its that time of year again! Digging and preparing the allotments in March is always a lot of hard work but is also heaps of fun!   Off over the fields to harvest Hazel rods for bean sticks  What a lovely day!

  • Creative Garden

    Creative Garden Project In the spring term we began to design and make a garden for The Den. After clearing brambles from a large area we started to plant bulbs and seeds to provide flowers for the garden and food for the bees. Led by a Student Ambassador there were some garden design and planting […]

  • Fire Crackers!

    We wanted to make the Tall Trees Allotment area more appealing and accessible to all, so we decided to make a Fire Pit and surround so that we could end our busy day toasting crumpets and chatting about our day. We began by going on an expedition to the woods to harvest some trees to make […]

  • Spring Garden