Reaching New Heights
Cracking on with the build, the new ceiling goes up swiftly Kids and students make an impressive team 🙂
A Collection of Boot Up Photos
Click Here, grab the corners to turn the page, more to come soon 🙂 Ed
Garden Art – Leaf Printing
Making Christmas Wrapping paper using leaves as inspiration from the garden
The Big Squeeze
The First Press for the new Apple Press We have borrowed the ‘scratter’ (apple crusher) from the Gardeners at Tremough Campus. We have picked up barrowloads of windfall apples in the orchards and off we go! Pints of yummy fresh apple juice…. just so satisfying Fixing the ‘scratter’ – a few technical hitches – a […]
Gardening & Garlic
It’ so good to be back at the allotments, lots of work to do to get them up and running.Garlic cloves dug up from last year’s crop Gone for a cuppa Re-digging the bedsCompost Bins reinstated
Fire Raising
Wood shavings, tissue and a flint No matches necessaryfrom spark to a flame…. and fire!
Woodland Cricket
Inventive & impromptu cricket……take a handfull of grass, wrap it up in duck tape and Hey Presto! you have a cricket ball Add a branch from a tree and three sticks and a sawn in half log and WOW! you have Woodland Cricket! Fantastic Fun
The Apprentice Project (TAP) Day Two
Day Two of the TAP project. A day for making, everyone excited and raring to get out in the garden Start off by going to have a look at the rainfall levels in our collecting vessels After some of the heaviest rainfall this year, causing floods in the St Austell areas overnight, the jars are […]
First Frosts
16th November sees the first hard frost of the season. The garden was a picture on arrival, the temperature -4 deg Brrrrr A wander round the garden discovers the water collecting jars, put out last week, frozen solid The steps icy, the swept steps forming little balls of frost-snow, the red berries on the holly […]
Mouse in the House
The first real winter frosts have come, and our furry friends are beginning to seek out warmth, like the rest of us. A scrabble around in the near-empty log basket discovered a small family of mice nice and cosy by the woodburner, scuttling about. Squeals of surprise from the Boot Up! team probably rendered them […]