
Cold days

I think this thermometer IS working! the digital temperature gauge in my car said it was 8 deg today, so does this!  Hooray! 

Google earth image – good old days!

Thought I would download a pic of the garden from google earth – obviously taken when the garden was in good repair, polytunnels with poly! glasshouse with glass!  Our is the wedge to the right of the path that runs alongside the vines on the left. In love with it 🙂 

gates and doors

make-shift photo studio

a camera, a torch, a screwdriver, and a box of oatcakes! 


What a shed!

Into the tunnel – (By H)

Some images from today. Macro work. A mini make shift studio was created in Boot Up! HQ… All images are © of Hannah Atkinson of Boot Up!

bigger sketch

slightly bigger

Get cracking

garden sketch

 Garden Sketch Tues 3rd Nov 2009


Shifted 3 very heavy pallets from friends house up hill to garden, with help of very kind husband!! Saw more pallets already there- a mini-community beginning. let the compost making begin!

First Ever Visit2

All so very exciting!

First Ever Visit

Inside ‘Vine1’ Guess its not working!