Photography @ boot up!
A time lapse piece will be up and running by next week, documenting the annual seasonal change through both human and natural influence! Some great ‘documentary’ images so far of the work, people, places, and the garden in general.
Projects in the planning;
– Monitoring of nocturnal wildlife, to establish some camera traps using remote triggers, to determine and document the wildlife that is there that we cannot see. Have already spotted some small mammal tracks, birds etc, and we are hoping there is a healthy population of owls nearby in the woodlands…so looking forward to finding out what is there, capturing it and showing all of you.
Other images in the making are some panoramic shots of the Boot up! garden to show you what is there, a macro project – looking further into the garden, and of course flora documentation.
Hope you enjoy all of my images…watch this space!!
Some images so far:
Teas up @ boot up!!
The message board at the epicentre of Boot Up! HQ
The message board at the epicentre of Boot Up! HQ
Looking out of Boot Up! HQ towards ‘Clod’