
  • Printworks

  • Creating Cushions

  • Doin’ Decking

    New addition to the Straw Bale Build – a sun deck – hooray!

  • Team Visit to Eden

    Cadging a lift in the Gardener’s Buggy!

  • Team visit to Eden

    Eden are trying to be waste neutral. So how do they ‘dispose’ of there waste? All the food waste goes in here… Gets nice and toasty over about 6 weeks And comes out here as beautiful compost! Excellent! We need one of these 🙂 Nice tyre and road sign shelter, complete with tyre gutteringLisa gets […]

  • Beautiful cushions for the build…

    Using simple masking techniques, sponges and fabric paint we created amazing designs for our own cushions to go in the straw bale build. Well done guys!

  • Merry Christmas

  • Party Time

  • Christmas Crafts

  • Frosty Fun

    Love it :)))))Yaaaaay … it works!Lets give it a go….Big discussion as to whether is it will work! How exciting – we are going to build a sledge! We have to design it first! ice sculptingKeeping warm….mmmmmm Water collecting – its all frozen up – How do we measure the water ? Working hard to […]

  • Wonderful Winter

    Weds 8th December After more than a week of below-freezing temperatures and the lowest temperature as -10 deg on our thermometer in PolyHQ – the garden looks absolutely spectacular

  • Fantastically Freezing

    Weds 1st December – Brrrrrrr…..but so pretty