Super Cabbage aka Purple sprouting Brocolli
We have waited all winter in trepidation as to the real identity of ‘super cabbage’, keeping it as a ‘show veg’, in hope it would blossom, and he has now shown his colours as purple sprouting broccoli! Hurray! One of my favourite veg 🙂
Team visit to Eden
Eden are trying to be waste neutral. So how do they ‘dispose’ of there waste? All the food waste goes in here… Gets nice and toasty over about 6 weeks And comes out here as beautiful compost! Excellent! We need one of these 🙂 Nice tyre and road sign shelter, complete with tyre gutteringLisa gets […]
Beautiful cushions for the build…
Using simple masking techniques, sponges and fabric paint we created amazing designs for our own cushions to go in the straw bale build. Well done guys!