Creative Design Uni Taster Day @ Tremough Campus
Thumbs Up for a great idea…. and it is supporting too!

Team 2 created a ‘weather chair’ with basket weave handles to carry it outside!

Group 3 Made the ‘Pizza Chair’ …yum
and you CAN sit on it

Looking round the Tremough Campus….. the Italian Garden

Lunch in the Stannary Refectory … doing what students do… burger and chips and coke

Material connundrum……
Talking through the designs…..

Anyone got any ideas?????

So the idea is to make a chair out of paper and card that can support your weight…..

Getting ideas down on paper……….

So this is what we want you to do…
Looking round the UCF Design Centre

Technology in design….
Looking round the 3D workshsops…. after all that time on the build project it is nice to see some other people working hard?
A view through to the woodworking workshop … the lathe, the router, the circular saw…

Is this like you expected?