Lovely Stuff
The straw is an amazing material, it smells sweet and always warm. It is very tactile and very forgiving as a building material. The inside of the building is really warm and seems to hold the heat well. It feels so right.
Raising the stakes
That’s my boy!Banging in the hazel stakes that hold the straw bales together Fear of heights overcome – well done! Keeping the whittled stakes coming, we need a hundred
Busy building…
Project manager checks all is as it should be before… the roof goes on!! Giving the bales a short back and sides.
It’s very warm at the garden during the day now but when we first get to the garden in the morning everything is iced up. It is still only March I suppose!
Straw Bale Building Day 4- March 9th – Party Time!
Time to go home :((((( But we will be back! Team Boot Up!Happy Days…What DID she do to deserve that? Boot Up! baby Loosing your rag Party TimeBunting made from carrier bags – arty recycling Has everyone forgotten we are meant to be building a house……
Straw Bale Building Day 2 – March 4th
Job done! Tamping downLevelling offTaking a rest Level?In position….Team at the ready for lifting the post into position – a momentous and poignant momentAdmiring the patio the kids have just laidlearning to use a post hole digger to make the hole for the feature postPositioning hole for the feature post to hold up the roof […]
Straw Bale Building Under Way – March 3rd
The frame is ready and the straw bales are going in. And there is no rain!!!!Preparing for a bale cutting demonstrationSewing the bale with baler twine to stop it from fraying before it is cut to sizeEveryone is going to have a go….Hammering in the sharpened hazel wood stakes to secure together the balesHammering in […]